Consulting for Systems
Strategic Planning and System Analysis
- Complete study of the literacy culture and instructional practices districtwide through the Literacy Unleashed, Literacy Classroom Visit Model that includes data collection, review, and analysis
Comprehensive Literacy Planning
- Three- to five-year redesign of district systems to ensure that literacy growth and achievement is integrated throughout all areas of instruction and assessment
- Metrics and data collection processes to guide implementation and plan for programmatic and instructional change
MTSS Systems
- Analysis of current RtI Assessment, progress monitoring, and instructional delivery structures
- Development of inclusive pathways for multilingual learners, from underserved populations, and/or have text-based barriers to assessment success to access gifted and talented development opportunities
We work with teams of teachers to analyze their students’ data and data about their own instructional strengths and needs to develop action plans. Teachers study differentiated and comprehensive literacy instruction an evidence supported delivery models for comprehensive literacy such as The Daily 5 and CAFÉ and Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop.
We work with teams of building and district leaders to create a system of data collection to develop a district-wide professional learning plan. As the plan begins implementation, we design ongoing data collection instruments to analyze implementation effectiveness and to develop personalized learning plans for leaders and teacher teams.
Consulting for Process
Professional Learning Planning
- A comprehensive study of current pedagogical beliefs and instructional delivery practices to identify strengths and areas of growth among educators at all levels
- An ongoing Professional Learning Plan & Framework including a content and implementation plan with formative and summative assessment guidance
Leadership Development
- Target learning with the District and School Leadership PLC to develop Literacy Instructional Leaders
Standards Aligned Instructional Practices
- Ongoing process of standards align learning targets/goals taught and assessed across The Gradual Release of Responsibility
In one district, we provided a series of four, full day workshops to provide a foundational knowledge of effective literacy instruction, a district-wide common language, common assessment tools, and agreed upon “look fors” when observing classroom literacy instruction.
In another district, we worked with administrators, teachers, and staff by collecting and analyzing data to design professional learning opportunities to develop effective PreK-12 differentiated instruction to ensure that every child was learning and growing at a minimum of one grade level per school year.
Coaching for Professional Learning
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- A plan for ongoing professional development that targets key areas of growth for your staff
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- Design and implementation of plan for your team of Literacy Coaches or Instructional Coaches to support teachers in meeting literacy needs of students across K-12
- Professional learning and coaching support for your Coaching Team
In one school, data indicated needs for instructional improvement at a specific grade level. We are able to analyze data to determine the areas of instructional change that will have the greatest impact on student achievement and support the teachers in using their strengths to develop those areas of need through training sessions, observation and coaching, and ongoing mentorship.
In one PreK-12 community, we used data collected from assessments, survey, and focus groups to develop foundational training for teachers. All teachers and leaders were grouped into Professional Learning Communities and set their group’s vision and goals for the year. Over time, through a combination of book study and training sessions, we worked together to develop a three-year plan for the PLCs.
In a large district, we worked with district and school leadership and building coaches and teachers to develop a structure for instructional change and improvement. Our target was to develop intermediate literacy instruction. Within a Comprehensive Literacy Gradual Release of Responsibility Instructional Framework, we deconstructed standards to develop focused learning targets to strengthen whole group and small group instruction and independent learning opportunities to develop self-motivated readers, writers, and problem solvers.
Coaching for Learning Acceleration
Strategic Study of Learning Loss
- Systematic review of student and programmatic data to determine key areas of learning loss
- Short- and long-term planning for supporting and accelerating students to grade level
Learning Acceleration Coaching
- One-on-One and team coaching and modeling with intervention and instructional match teachers